Unzählige Kartons mit Spenden im Hangar 1 des ehemaligen Flughafens Tempelhof

Our mission statement

We support people in need who are affected by the war in Ukraine. We process donations and organise the distribution of relief supplies. We work together and give everyone the chance to make a contribution. We do all of this on a voluntary basis.

Logo Spenden-Brücke Ukraine

The fundamental rights enshrined in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany are guidelines for our ways of thinking and acting in our cooperation and teamwork.

We see ourselves as a small part of a bigger picture. Our thoughts and actions are inspired by the belief that only joint action can lead to a sustainable, open and transparent service structure.

We act as an interface between people in need and those involved in politics, administration, welfare and civil society. We also play an active part in social and political discussions, and make clear our position on the humanistic treatment of people.

We treat everyone – including ourselves and each other – with an open heart, respect and a high level of empathy. Thanks to careful thinking and anticipation, our actions are always geared towards the common good. Mindfulness, friendliness and politeness reflect our inner attitude.

We all make it our personal goal to give our best in everything we do. At the same time, we have the courage to make mistakes. We want to learn, and to think and speak openly. Every individual is welcome to have their own opinion and take their own position, and to make their case for it. We see mistakes as an opportunity to improve, and try to learn from them together.

We are reliable. Our work lets us take a stand and actively represent our position. We are careful in our statements and commitments, and see them as binding. This is not always easy, but we are convinced that only on this basis can valid relationships be formed and sustainable services provided.

We are all human beings, with strengths and weaknesses, fears and hopes, joy and sadness. We want to work together in harmony and grow in our work every day in order to make a meaningful contribution to society and to promote peace and humanity.

At Tamaja and the Spendenbrücke Ukraine, we stand by this, and put our heart and soul into everything we do.